On this page you can find the most frequently asked questions and their answers regarding iTalez and it’s products. If you have any questions/issues that can not be found here or anywhere else on this website or in my in world profile, please feel free to contact in world. (For more contact info, please read the Contact / Customer Service page: http://italez.blogspot.com/p/contact-info.html )

Purchases / Products

Q. Hi there. I bought your skin pack, but I bought the the wrong and I really wanted the other one.would it be possible to get a trade?
A. No, not under any circumstances (other than double purchases of the exact same item) can you make an exchange or have a refund for a purchased item. All iTalez items are no transfer (GACHAPON ITEMS ICLUSIVE), so there is no way for you to hand those items back to me for an exchange/refund like you would if you were to walk into an RL store. It works the same way in sl. If you can not hand me the items back then I can not give you your linden back or an item in its place. There is a process to purchasing my items, a number of clicks to make sure you want to make that purchase. I do understand mistakes happen, lag happens etc. but please try and understand it from my end as a store owner. Please make sure you are more careful when prompted to make your purchase, read the item name before clicking ok. If it is a skin or hair you are purchasing, there are demos in store to try. Try them on to make sure you are happy with that item before buying it.